



A Japanese noodle soup, ramen has grown in popularity outside of Japan in the last decade and it's easy to see why. In its simple form, it's a rich meat (or occasionally fish) broth, flavoured with soy or miso and served with toppings such as mushrooms, seaweed, sesame seeds, spring onions and soft-boiled egg. As with most dishes, there are regional varieties too, including the most popular tonkotsu (pork bone broth) ramen of Kyushu and the miso ramen of Hokkaido.


  • Cuisine :

  • Recipe Type :

  • Difficulty :

  • Preparation Time :

    5 mins
  • Cooking Time :

    10 mins
  • Serves :



  • 150 g packet miso ramen noodles (or plain noodles)

  • 1 handful frozen peas, or any vegetables you have lurking in the fridge (carrots, sugarsnap peas, corn, bean sprouts, finely shredded cabbage, courgette etc)

  • 1 egg

  • 1 tbsp red or brown miso paste (if using plain noodles)

  • 1 fresh green chilli, sliced

  • 1 spring onion, sliced and placed in a bowl of iced water for a few minutes

  • 1 pinch black or white sesame seeds

  • 1 tsp toasted sesame oil, to taste

  • 1 handful Japanese dried nori seaweed, to serve (optional)


  • 1

    Cook the ramen noodles according to the packet instructions, adding the frozen peas (or whichever vegetables you opt for) to the pan so they cook at the same time.

  • 2

    Cook the egg by poaching it in the broth (whisk it in a bowl first then pour it into the broth or crack it in), boiling it whole in a separate pan, or giving it a quick fry.

  • 3

    Add the miso paste to the noodle cooking liquid (if cooking plain noodles) and stir through.

  • 4

    Remove from the heat and garnish with the chilli, drained spring onion, sesame seeds, sesame oil and any other toppings you like.

  • 5

    The egg goes on last if you cooked it separately, along with the seaweed (if using).